The Vancouver Hairdressing Academy was conceived of by beauty industry leader Michael Levine, co-founder and director of Statik Salon, Space Salon, Caramel Salon, and Tao Salon, as well as co-creator of innovative hair care products Statik Vancouver, Eli Manuel, and Product For Hair.
Michael first became an educator in 1996, working for Aveda as a "Purefessional," and training under some of the best hairstylists in the world. Since 1998, Michael Levine has been training new hairdressing talent in one of the best apprenticeship programs ever offered, filling all of his salons only with graduates of his training. This system has consistently developing some of the best hairstylists working in Vancouver today. Formerly an international artist for Pulp Riot, today, Michael Levine is an educator and stage artist for Danger Jones, teaching across North America and Europe for the fastest-growing hair colour company in history.
Frustrated with the skill-level and how ill-prepared virtually all the applicants coming into the salons from Vancouver hairdressing schools were, Michael knew he and his team could do better, and in a shorter period of time than other hairdressing schools.
"This is a new kind of hair school, focused on developing young talent that can thrive in any salon, in any city. We are destroying the old, archaic idea that hairdressing is hard and must be taught in the traditional way. We de-mystify it and show our students how to be successful, but more importantly how to find joy and have a great life through hairdressing.
I want my students to have an epiphany, like I once did, that hairdressing is what they want to do with their lives."​